around 6 months back I broke my ipod's touch screen
and i had 2 ways to fix it 1 go to DELHI and tell the guys there at nehru place to fix it
thing cost
260kms to delhi Rs 5.23 X 260= Rs 1359($20) driving time for me and my dad 5h staying time and place 5h 1000 rupees/night buying the new ipod screen Rs 1000(16$) letting the "professional" do the cool fixing stuff Rs-1000 OR i can simply buy it online get it shipped to my house watch a video on how to fix the ipod and fix it sitting home ! well only a fool will choose the 1st option so i need money to pay for the ipod digitizer online and i dint want to use my dads money for the shit id done(broke the screen) so i went on online and googled - HOW TO MAKE MONEY ONLINE and got a million results---- after hours of searching and trying i found this one site went to PTC investigations to check its ligitimacy(just to be sure i dont waste my time on scam sites) i made money on it
and ........... got the money on paypal(this took some time- i had to make a new account)
bought a new ipod digitizer ! gives a lot of free shipping and fixed my ipod
all i want to say is that if i can do it you can do it too im still earning money sign up today and save this page for new ways to make money online with ASK questions in the comments below
I have been using for a few months and after lots of ups and downs I want to share some helpful content here to maybe teach you some tips for earn more money for this good website. is one of the most successful services around the web, the only one that I still use after almost one year in a row.
And I've used A LOT of services, and I never met one better than! signup here
CHOOSE YOUR PLACE You'll need to choose a niche. Don't try to promote links about everything in everywhere, choose wisely a subject to talk of and where to talk. For example, if you have more knowledge about sports, why not to share pictures news, videos or pictures of recent games, events, and related stuff? Try this.
Ah, when post in someone's board/forum, please, make sure to read all rules to not be banned! OK?
If you start to create a lot of links about different subjects, you'll waste you time and never make good clicks. START YOUR OWN BUSSINESS start your own place to share. Today we have really good tools to create your own website, such as Blogspot or WordPress they are free and really easy to use. But the real deal here is to buy a self domain and to host your own website. Make sure to have a well organised website, with semantic code. If you have a well build website, Google will read your pages better than others, so your pages will appear in the first page of Google searches.
Unfortunately, because of spammers, a lot of forums and boards block and others similar services, so sooner or later you will need to start something where you can create your own rules.
As most of you know, the highest pay rates of is for United States of America, United Kingdom, Canada and Australia. You can see the full list here: http://adf . ly / rates.php. So, it's not vital, but very important to have clicks from these countries. You will need to find public from there, start to learn what they like, what they're searching for, and try to make them click on your links.
When you create a post, often come back to see if someone made a comment, people like you when you care about what they say!
TRY TO KEEP YOUR CPM HIGHLet's say that you have 1000 clicks per day of a bad pay country, like China for example. It's bad, don't try to keep this links alive. It will decrease your CPM and give you worse and worse earnings.
If you can get 1000 clicks for premium countries, you will increase your CPM, so, your earnings will be better everyday!
You can check your CPM here:
Enter in competitor website, check all his failures and try to make yours service better than it.
If their website has a lot of popunders, annoying ads or stuff like this, start your own without these lame stuff! So, people will start to prefer your website and often come back. It seems to be stupid, but trust me, can makes a huge difference! SOCIAL NETWORKS
To be honest, I'd never had any success with Twitter or Facebook, both of them block (as I already said, because of spammers).
It's very relative. But, try to find alternative ways to bring people to your likes! Where more you promote them, more you will earn.
Start to talk with people that do the same with you, you always will learn or even teach something. Remember, nobody can do anything alone! So, start trading links, sharing informations and tips, someday someone can help you too!
Be creative! Use your head to earn more money! These tips worked for me, but different things can work for you.
This are just a few tips that I remembered right now! I am sorry for my bad english, but I think you guys can take the idea. Right? Please, have this in mind: do not mak me rich. But I can make a good money with their links because I work hard everyday to do so. The main goal of this thread is to help other peoples!
If anyone have any question or suggestion, please let me know! I'll try to always update this post with more helpful tips.
Today you will learn how to automate the money making process using twitter and, this works by automatically posting useful and topic related updates to your twitter account while having links automatically shrunk using and posted to your twitter account, earning you some cash in the process.
How AdFly Works:
People pay to advertise with, and people who shrink their links with get a cut of the profit every time someone clicks an shortened link.
When the adfly shortened link is clicked, there will be a 5 second ad shown to the person who clicked the link before they are able to move on to the page they wanted to view.
Create a Twitter account based on a certain niche, maybe about baseball, or weight loss, whatever you want, I prefer to go with what interest me, like a hobby.
Create A Twitterfeed Account
Go to and sign up for a free account, I'll discuss this later.
Create An Account
Head on over to, and click the "JOIN NOW" button near the top, fill out all the necessary information.
At the bottom of the form, make sure your account type is set to "link shrinker". only pays through PayPal or Payza, so be sure you're signed up with one of the two.
Working with RSS Feeds
Okay, so now what you want to do is go to Google, and search for any website that posts information and updates about the specific niche that you chose to base your twitter account on.
When you find the site you want, look for something on the page that will link you to that websites RSS feed, If you have trouble finding if they provide feeds or not, you can either go to "FIND" or "SEARCH" located in your browsers toolbar and type RSS in the search box, or enter the web site address in Google and add rss after it.
eg: rss
This will usually bring you to a page where you can select what rss feed you want, some sites offer multiple rss feeds so select the one you feel fits your needs.
Adding Your RSS Feed To TwitterFeed
Go back to, and create a new feed.
Add Feed To Twitterfeed
For this step all you have to do is copy the url of the feed you want to use, and paste it in to twitterfeed.
Add whatever you want for the name, and in the "Blog URL or RSS Feed URL" area, copy/paste (add) the url of the rss feed you want to use.
Example Above
Advanced Settings
On the same screen click the "Advanced Settings" button and go to "shorten link through", there is a drop down box beside it, open it up and scroll to the bottom and select "Custom", Leave it empty for now and go back to, while logged in to go to the top of the page and click Tools, on the tools page go to "API Documentation" and click.
On this page you will see a link that looks like this
# represents your id and key.
Now take your key and uid and place it in this link (replace the # with your key and uid) Must Be Replaced With %@ In order for this to work.
Also you may have noticed that in the modified link "advert_type=int" has been removed, this is because TwitterFeed has issues showing the interstitial ad (full page ad) and just leads to a dead page when clicked, or shows the ads but doesn't redirect to the desired page, so the only way to fix this is by removing the "advert_type=int" instruction from the link and will automatically use the interstitial link instruction and will work properly with TwitterFeed.
Now when that's done, all you have to do is copy and paste your new link into the twitterfeed Custom endpoint box and "Continue to step 2" on twitterfeed.
"There are more advanced options that will serve you well, but you can play around with that on your own time."
Make sure that you are logged in to the twitter account that you want to use with twitterfeed, you are going to want to activate your twitter account with twitterfeeds oauth so it will automatically post feed/blog updates to your twitter account using the rss feed that you provided to twitterfeed, when that's all done, click done at the bottom, twitter will now get updated feed posts from twitterfeed, and the links in each post will now be automatically shrunk using and posted to your twitter updates, and every time someone clicks your link, you make a bit of cash.
Side Note
Getting Twitter Followers
If you're having trouble getting human followers that will actually click your links, I would suggest getting acquainted with a free Follow/Unfollow tool from TweetAttacks, go to the website here, scroll to the bottom of the page and push the button that says "Get FREE Edition", It will help tremendously and improve the amount of clicks you get every time you post an shortened link.
How To Use Tweet Attacks To Your Advantage (2 Step Tutorial)
Get Twitter Followers Everyday
Some people have asked me "how can I get lots of REAL followers on Twitter in a short period of time?", so I thought I'd write a little tutorial.
Once you have downloaded and installed the free version of Tweetattacks, all you have to do is
1: Follow 100 to 200 people a day
2: Unfollow 100 to 200 non followers every week
You can use the search option in TA to filter people that might be interested in your tweets,
and since TA is all automated, you can leave your computer to do all the work while you go play outside ;)
I usually set my follow unfollow time delay from 1 to 60 seconds, it keeps things more natural.
Hope that helps
It looks like TweetAttacks is now nonexistent. But the method above still works, and there are many alternatives to getting Twitter followers. Over time I will create a list of Twitter following tools that do the job just as well. Good Luck To You All!
Following is a simple step by step tutorial that will help you start making money.
First here is a proof of the payment I received through Paypal
OR is a site where users can earn money from sharing links and content to web viewers. Great for blog owners and site owners. Although you do not have to own a site to earn from You can earn from shortening your favorite links and sharing it with other people. Image links, web links, or file links are just a few ways you can use this site for. has been online and paying since May 2009. Which is one reason why they are now on the Elite List of PTC INVESTIGAYIONS . There is no investments or any risk using this site.
Accepted by the states: all states(visitors everystateoftheirownprice).
Timing Site: GMT GMTorUTC.
Founded: in26April2009 andofficiallybeganworkinMayof the same year.
Site owner: Ian Donovan
Payment as scheduled without delay.
Proof of paid Payment Proof exists in abundance in the Internet and in its own forum.
Available in its own forum facilitates communication with site management and there are online subdivisions especially by evidence Payment and solutions to problems and to exchange views, ideas and tips on the best ways to earn as well as a special section for technical support and other.
Pays for participants from all countries and calculated visits from all countries also without any restrictions.
Allows an unlimited number of Alriveral Referral at the first level only 1Level.
Minimum pay $ 5 as easily accessible in a relatively short time. site with a good reputation and credibility in their respective fields and did not know him yet complained to one.
And easy to use interface and accurate statistics (updated every half hour or so).
Advertising time only 5 seconds, which makes visitors do not get bored of it never.
Allows clicking once (for the experience) only brief on each link, but repeated clicking is a violation may lead to cessation of membership.
To be subjected ads in violation of the laws or rights or public morals.
Is contrary to the terms and instructions AdSense final.
After thatwindowwillshow youyour data, whereyoufilloutthecorrectdata:
Putyournameinthisbox(not requireto be true).
Put your user name (of your choice) and I know that this name will be visible to others.
Put Your Email this box (note that Your Email this name will be login to your account and you will receive an activation code as well).
Retype the email address again this box to confirm.
Put your password (not less than six boxes).
Retype the password again in this box to confirm.
Account Type box to choose between open account publisher Link Shrinker or advertiser Advertiser (not change anything because the situation assumption is the publisher).
Verification write words as your shows.
Do not forget to mark in the box to agree to the terms and conditions of the site
Click on the Join button and thus may have finished the registration process.
You will receive an account activation on the email address set by you in step 3, where the message contains the activation code Confirmation Key we have cut and paste in the following link:
AndfinallypushthebuttonConfirm Registration and you are all set to ROLL!!
The interface: Shortning linksandcontrol
In this issuewe will explainthe most important elementsin theuser interfacefor thesiteAdf.lywill be described inthis pagehowshortenlinksand how to choosethe scopeDomainisAdf.lyandhow to choosethe type andview commercial advertisingthat will appearthroughyour linkManual(Banner underFramed Bannerfull-page or Interstitial Advertornottodisplayanyannouncementno Advert). To shortenthelinkand letourlink bethishttp://moneyfromtheclowds.blogspot.comforexample,followthesesteps:
Click on thebuttonlabeledView more options:
After clicking on thebuttonlabeledView more options
From thisdrop-downmenuchooseDomainrangeyou want fromamong threeranges are:
5. This boxCustom NameYou can putthe name you wanttolink, forexample: Custom Name: Ex: wheremakemoneyisthenamewehavechosen, andyou canchooseany nameyoulike. 6. Write the name ofthefolderFolderthatyouwanttoplacetheshortcut. 7. Thenclick onthebuttonShrinkVintageyouare copyingmanuallinkCopyandthenyoupostin the forumsand sites thatallow the deployment ofshortcutlinks, oryoucancreateasiteorablogandputyourlinkscondensedfreely.
This will explainthemostimportantlistsanddifferentfunctionsandbarmonthly statisticsandhowtoimprove our profitabilityandidentifytheAvg.CPMandWhatarethefactorsaffectingit:
Referrals:page where you get your referral id and can see your referral earnings.
Tools: Tools page.
Withdraw: payment page(amounts whichwillbepaidandthetimeremainingon the dateof payment).
Forum: Special Forumandhasa section forproof of paymentPayment Proof.
Support: Technical Supportpage.
Loginto the home pageclickon the word"Home"inthemenubar.
Home Homeandmonthly statisticschartCharts and Data
Avg. You must know thatAvg.CPM:isnotinfluentialfactoronprofit, butis simply areflectionanda measure of theprofitfromeach1000pressure. Factors affectingvirtuallyAvg.CPM:Theaggregatedvisitors toyourlinksfrom the United StatesorCanadatheEuropeanUnionorAustralia, (ie, that the greater theclicksonyourlinkscondensedcomefromthe UnitedStatesorCanadaortheEuropeanUnionorAustralia, more thantherestoftheworld, wheneverAvg. CPMhigherandhighertheearningsandviceversa),checkoutthepricesof clicksorPayout Rates.
Spread your referral id on the net, like on Facebook twitter etc and then when other people sign up on this link you earn 20% of their earnings, forever , THIS MEANS that if you have some referrals that make huge money each month you need not do anything and get Referral cumission each month :D
Tools:Tools page
To enter theTools pageclickon the word"Tools"inthemenubar.
Tools menu
Mass Shrinker:totheshortrangelinksatonce(max20linkeverylinkin theline) in order to produceyouashortcutlinks(eachlinkseparately fromthe other).
Easy Link: an easy waytoshortenthelinkswithout usingAdf.lysite, according to the following method: (where 801645isthenumberyour referral id) We replacetheGoogle.comlinkagewewantshortened. API Documentation:ToaddashortcutfeaturelinkstoapplicationsApplications.
Google Analytics: to connectyourstatsinAdf.lysitestatisticsGoogle Analytics.
Full Page Script: This optionshortofanylinkLinkinyourwebsiteorblog, allyouhavetodoisaddthe code, (click here for moredetailaboutthistool).
Website Entry Script: This option openspageadsAdf.lyonceor morewheneachnew visitor comes to yourwebsiteorblog,
Export Links and Stats: to exportyourlinksandyourstatstoExcel.
Withdraw: payment page.
To enter the payment pageclickon the word"Withdraw"inthemenubar.
Withdraw Your Earnings
All Available Earnings:Totalearningsduringthismonth(profits clicking onyourlinks+winningsofAlriveralz). Last Pay Period:Totallastamountwascalculatedtoyouas dividends(total earningslastmonth). Withdrawal History: Recorddateswinningspaymentsthathavealreadybeenconvertedtoyourbankaccountmail. Starts calculatingmonthlyprofitsfrom the first momentat the beginning ofthenewmonthand endscalculatedat the last momentfrom the samemonththe new,andpaymentismadeinthefirst(Monday Monday)of the monthimmediately followed. dependsonthesiteGMTGMTorUTC.
Thisproofofpaymentfor the month ofJanuary2013yourandomlyBantqaúhafromtheforumsiteadf.lyofficial, andbearsaforumAdf.lyaloneonlyofficialresponsibility fortheirhealthandensuretheircredibility. Just clickon theimageofprooftoviewfull-sizeimage.